Let Freedom Ring

Posted on: July 12th, 2016 by | No Comments

June 28th, 2016 marked a proud day in TanTara history. Over the past 3 years we have seen many exciting changes to our facilities as we have continued with building renovations and additions.  All of us at TanTara thought it important that as the building grew, the flagpoles should as well. For 20 years the American Flag flew in our yard on a 35 ft. pole. In early June we installed 3 flagpoles, the tallest reaching 60 feet! On June 28th we conducted the long anticipated raising of the flags. Of these flags, there is one that is very unique and many of you may have never seen this flag before. This is the “Honor & Remember” flag which was created by a father who lost his son in 2005 during the Iraq war. Each symbol on the Honor and Remember Flag carry special meanings, which we have outlined here:

The Red Field represents the blood spilled by brave men and women in America’s military throughout our history, who willingly gave their lives so that we all would remain free.

The Blue Star represents active service in military conflict. This symbol originated with World War I, but on this flag it signifies service through all generations from the American Revolution to present day.

The White Border beneath and surrounding the gold star recognizes the purity of sacrifice. There is no greater price an American can pay than to give his or her life in service to our country.

The Gold Star signifies the ultimate sacrifice of a warrior in active service who will not return home. Gold reflects the value of the life that was given.

The Folded Flag signifies the final tribute to an individual life that a family sacrificed and gave to the nation.

The Flame is an eternal reminder of the spirit that has departed this life yet burns on in the memory of all who knew and loved the fallen hero

Jobs for veterans

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Honor VeteransOne of many brave Marines we are proud to honor here at TanTara Transportation. 

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